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Connect to WebDAV

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Connect WebDAV (iOS)

You can bring document to Flexcil by connecting WebDAV.
  1. Press ‘+’ button under the ‘Connections’
  2. Select WebDAV on the list.
  3. Enter ‘Server Name’ and ‘Server URL’. Enter ‘ID’ and ‘Password’ in necessary.
  4. You will see the files when you connect WebDAV by pressing ‘Save’ button.

If you can’t connect to WebDAV

  • Check internet connections.
  • Check if ‘Server URL’, ‘ID’, and ‘Password’ are correct.

If you can’t see files even though you have successfully connected to WebDAV

  • Flexcil supports WebDAV standard. Check if you server supports a standard protocol.
  • Please update to the latest version of both Flexcil and NAS firmware.
  • If files still not displayed correctly, it is due to the WebDAV protocol of NAS.

Connect WebDAV (Android)

Android OS only supports WebDAV connection for the NAS apps that support ‘File Manager’ app.
  1. Install the NAS app that
  2. Select ‘File’ on the left side of app’s main.
  3. You will see the NAS app that you installed on the bottom left side of the ‘File Manager’. If NAS app doesn’t appear, it means the ‘File Manager’ app doesn’t support the NAS app.
  4. If you connect to NAS successfully, you can now download and upload document.
If you can’t find what you are looking for from Frequently Asked Questions or Flexcil User Guide, Contact Support