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Keyboard Shortcuts-iOS

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Keyboard shortcuts guide(iOS)

Flexcil 2 iOS supports keyboard shortcuts that save your time and effort

Keyboard Shortcuts

Functions Shortcuts
Switching the mode(Gesture/Pen) alt tab
Display/Hide Menu shift tab
Move left within the page
Move right within the page
Move up within the page
Move down within the page
To the next page control →
To the previous page control ←
To the next page control ↓
To the previous page control ↑
Zoom in cmd =
Zoom out cmd –
Go to the file manager cmd O
Go to the page manages cmd M
Done/Cancel esc
To the next document tab control tab
To the previous document tab control shift tab
Close the document tab cmd W
Open the side menu control cmd S
Open the side menu – Page list control cmd P
Open the side menu – Outlines control cmd O
Open the side menu – Bookmark list control cmd B
Open the side menu – Annotation list control cmd A
Open the pop-up viewer shift alt ↑
Close the pop-up viewer shift alt ↓
Move left within the page(Pop-up viewer) shift ←
Move right within the page(Pop-up viewer) shift →
Move up within the page(Pop-up viewer) shift ↑
Move down within the page(Pop-up viewer) shift ↓
To the previous page(Pop-up viewer) shift control →
To the next page(Pop-up viewer) shift control ←
Open the page manager(Pop-up viewer) shift cmd M
Zoom-in(Pop-up viewer) shift cmd =
Zoom-out(Pop-up viewer) shift cmd –
Search cmd F
Add text box cmd T
Add image by taking a photo cmd P
Add image from the image library cmd I
Enable lasso tool cmd L
Open the tab 1 cmd 1
Open the tab 2 cmd 2
Open the tab 3 cmd 3
Open the tab 4 cmd 4
Open the tab 5 cmd 5
Open the tab 6 cmd 6
Open the tab 7 cmd 7
Open the tab 8 cmd 8
Open the tab 9 cmd 9


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