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★Flexcil 2 iOS – Frequently Reported Issues

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This page shares issues reported by multiple users regarding Flexcil 2 iOS version.

Each problem, solution, and processing step will be written and updated continuously.

Please let us know about the bugs that are not written on this page.


Issues of annotation not being printed out when printing out the document written in Flexcil 2

  • This happens because the printer or the printer app that you are using is not processing the annotation properly. (The PDF exported from Flexcil ensures annotation compatibility and can be edited in other PDF apps.)
  • To this end, we are developing an option to merge annotations into PDF, which will be updated later.


Errors in restoring backup files from Flexcil 1 to Flexcil 2

  • These issues are due to PDF files with errors. They interrupt the process of restoration.
  • Please search Flexcil 2 in the App Store to update to the latest version and then try restoring it again.
  • If that doesn’t solve the problem, then the PDF file with the error needs a separate processing to do.
    If you share the backup file to, we will process the error separately.


Breaking off of a text box when exporting PDF

  • It is a problem where the color of the text changes or the size of the font changes when exporting a text box.
  • It has been resolved in the latest version. Please update to the latest version in the App Store.


Deleting a link that is non-scrapped but created a reference link only

  • There was a problem in the past version where only links were created after scraping without creating scraped data, but now we have solved this problem.
  • We added link deletion feature in the latest version. You can delete the link by pressing and holding. Please update to the latest version in the App Store.


Problems related to Google Drive connections / shut down from a specific folder

  • This kind of problem occurs when there is a ‘shortcut file of files shared by others’ within a top/specific folder in Google Drive.
  • It has been resolved in the latest version. Please update to the latest version in the App Store.


Problems with text selection in some OCR documents

  • We have identified problems in which the text is being broken when exporting and is not being selected in some OCR documents.
  • It has been resolved in the latest version. Please update to the latest version in the App Store.


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