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[Flexcil 2] Managing Deleted Files

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You can see all the deleted documents and folders in the ‘Trash’ menu. Deleted pages will be deleted completely and will not be shown in the ‘Trash’ menu.

  • Restore data from the ‘trash’

    You can restore the deleted data from the ‘Trash’ menu. 

    1. Press documents or press the select icon() on the top right side and select document. 
    2. Press restore icon() on the top right to restore.
    3. Documents will be restored if you press the ‘Restore’ button.
  • Delete data permanently

    You can delete documents or folders permanently if you no longer need them. 

    1. Press documents or press the select icon(on the top right side and select document.
    2. Press the delete icon() on the top right to restore.
    3. Documents will be permanently deleted if you press the ‘Delete’ button.
  • Clear Trash

    When emptying the trash, all the data in the ‘Trash’ menu will be deleted permanently.

    1. Press the empty trash icon() on the top right side.
    2.  If you press the ‘Delete’ button, all the data in the ‘Trash’ menu will be deleted permanently.