Flexcil 1(iOS) > Flexcil 2(iOS) Free Upgrade Guide
플렉슬 2 무료 업그레이드 가이드 (Korean)
Flexcil有料購買者の方のためのFlexcil 2への無償アップグレードガイド (Japanese)
收费 Flexcil1向 Flexcil2转移导购指南 (Chinese)
As noticed, Free upgrade Flexcil 2 (iOS) for free for Flexcil 1 (iOS) Standard users will start as below.
Promotion Period: 28th June ~ 17th October, 2021 (GMT+9)
This is a promotion for the paid users of Flexcil 1 (iOS) only. The event is only available for this period of time. DO NOT FORGET to migrate your purchase history to Flexcil 2 within this period. And we would appreciate if you share this event with other users you know.
Do you want to learn about why you should move from Flexcil 1 to Flexcil 2? Please check the belowed article.
7 reasons you should move from Flexcil 1 to Flexcil 2 right now
Before You Start
Please make sure to check out as below to successfully migrate your purchase history.
- Both Flexcil 1 and Flexcil 2 should be installed in the latest version.
- Check out if your device is connected to internet for authentication App Store. You must sign-in the App Store with an account you purchased Flexcil 1 before.
- If you open another app or close the Flexcil app during the authentication of your purchasing, you need to start again from the beginning.
How To Migrate Your Purchase to Flexcil 2
- Update your Flexcil 1 and Flexcil 2 to latest version.
- Open Flexcil 1 and choose the notification bar at the top.

3. Then, new page will pop up. Please choose ‘Guideline to get Flexcil 2 for free’ to see the guide.

4. If you want to begin the migration right away, please select the button ‘Migrate your purchase into Flexcil 2’.

- If you press the button, the process to check your past purchase will begin.

6-1. [When your purchase is confirmed]
Once your Flexcil 1 purchase is confirmed, please press the ‘Migrate your purchase to Flexcil 2.’ button again.
Then, Flexcil 2 will automatically open.

6-2. [When your purchase is not confirmed]
If your purchase is not confirmed, please check out
– your internet connection
– if you sign in to the App Store with an account the same account you purchased Flexcil 1
– if Flexcil 2 is the latest version

- If your purchase is successfully confirmed and Flexcil 2 opens, Flexcil 2 Promotion Event page will pop up.

- Press the button ‘Get Flexcil 2 Promotion’.
※ Please note that if you open another app or close the Flexcil 2 app during the process, you need to start again from the beginning.

- The process checking if you are a paid user of Flexcil 1 will begin. (You might need App Store authentication)
- If the yellow ‘Try Flexcil 2 Standard’ banner is not displayed on the bottom left side of the app main, that means your upgrade is successfully done.
※ This upgrade is for Standard version only and planners are not included for this upgrade. For this reason, you may still see the yellow banner at the bottom left when the upgrade process has completed.
If there is no locked functions, it means your upgrade has successfully done.
Once you successfully migrate your purchase to Flexcil 2, you will be able to use Flexcil2 Standard Version permanently. Also, you can restore your purchase through the App Store.
Please note that data is not automatically migrated and you need to do it manually.
Check out our guide to get to know how to migrate your data
>> Data Migration Guide
If you are in trouble, please see the troubleshooting guide from the link below.
>> Troubleshooting
Thank you.