Connect to WebDAV

Connect WebDAV (iOS) You can bring document to Flexcil by connecting WebDAV. Press ‘+’ button under the ‘Connections’ Select WebDAV on the list. Enter ‘Server Name’ and ‘Server URL’. Enter ‘ID’ and...

Merge PDF documents

Merging two PDF files You can merge PDF files as needed but you can only use two PDF files one time. If you think its too much trouble to open two PDFs to read constantly, you can merge them into a new file to read and edit. After merged, a new PDF file will be...

Capture Document Using Box Gesture

Capture document using ‘Box gesture’ You can capture the document by drawing a box on the gesture mode.   Select the capture area using ‘Box gesture’ Switch to the ‘gesture mode’ by pressing the icon on the leftmost on the pen...

Resize the Pop-Up Viewer

Resizing pop-up note You can enlarge/reduce the size of pop-up note. Press the view settings on the top right side of the viewer. Enable ‘Pop-up Document Resizing(3 fingers pinch)’ option from the ‘Lab Features’ category. You can enlarge the...

Bring the document from main viewer to pop-up

Bring document from main viewer to the pop-up viewer or vice versa You can bring your document that you open on the main viewer to the pop-up viewer or you can do vice versa. Bring the document on the pop-up viewer to main viewer Press the arrow icon on the top left...